Our Mission

We strive to prepare our customers with a practical approach to EDC (everyday carry) from a survival standpoint. The world we live in can be unforgiving and unpredictable. You may not have the ability to control what is going on around you, but you can control how you react to these events. Being prepared mentally, and physically, with the right tools at your disposal can mean the difference between life and death. Now, ask yourself. Are you prepared?

Our story

What The Savage EDC Brings To The Table

Our shop consists of products we stand behind. The products are tested by us and trusted by survival experts in the fields of bushcraft and survival. Being prepared doesn’t just come down to the tools you have at your disposal. It also comes from knowledge, we share important survival tactics in our weekly blog post. The most important aspect of EDC and survival is action. You must go out and physically practice because in SHTF situations one never rises to the occasion, you will always fall back to the lowest levels of your training. Don’t be an armchair survivalist. Get out there and hone your skills!

Infantry Soldier Backround

The Savage EDC has years of experience in the military as an Infantry soldier. From jumping out of planes to digging and manning entrenched fighting positions. The Savage EDC brings the knowledge of survival EDC concepts to the table from years of training in the military we have discovered what tools work under pressure and what tools fail. Field-tested knowledge within austere environments under highly stressful circumstances is where this knowledge has been developed.

Experienced Outdoorsman

Survival and EDC load-outs have been influenced by The Savage EDC’s passion for the outdoors. Experiences as a hunter in Canada’s beautiful yet unforgiving most northern lands have allowed us to discover the necessities to have on you for survival everyday carry.